Digital orthodontics in Steamboat Springs CO - Coombs Orthodontics

Early Intervention is Key

How Invisalign First Works

Did you know that the ideal time to bring your little one into our office for their first appointment is around 7-years-old? The American Association of Orthodontics recommends this timeline because at this age, children still have mixed detention, or a mix of baby and adult teeth. This allows Dr. Coombs to assess and correct any orthodontic issues your child may have before those issues become more severe. Tackling treatment early with Invisalign First can also help guide the development of your child’s teeth and jaws, creating the proper space for future teeth.

Convenient Care

Invisalign First aligners are removable and convenient, allowing your little one to eat, brush, and floss like normal.

Gentle and Comfortable

Skip the pokey wires and brackets and enjoy the gentle, comfortable, fitted aligners that come with Invisalign First.

Invisalign First

The Clear Choice for Children

Invisalign First offers the same clear, discreet treatment option that our teen and adult patients love while also guiding the development of the children’s jaws and arches. Phase 1 Treatment has all the benefits of Invisalign Clear Aligners, with additional design perks that allow Dr. Coombs to create plenty of space for incoming permanent teeth. Invisalign First is the perfect way to ease your child into orthodontic treatment and the best way to combat early issues before they become more serious.

Proactive vs. Reactive

Invisalign first can combat orthodontic issues early and can even prevent them from becoming more serious. This can cut down treatment time and can improve treatment outcomes.

Shorten Treatment Times

On average, Invisalign First treatment lasts six to 18 months. Completing this Phase 1 treatment can help reduce the need for additional treatment in the future.

Early treatment in Steamboat Springs CO - Coombs Orthodontics

Who is a candidate for Invisalign First?

Know What to Look for

Now that you know more about interceptive treatment with Invisalign first, how do you know if your child is a candidate? Early treatment can help solve several orthodontic issues such as spacing and crowding issues, overbites, underbites, cross bites, and open bites. If your child has narrow arches, misaligned jaws, trouble chewing, or if they have habits like thumb-sucking and pacifier use, then they might be a candidate for Invisalign First. If your child has any of these issues or if they are approaching their 7th birthday, call our office to set up a complimentary consultation appointment today.